coming Events

adjustment mondays

Monday can be one of the most irritating days of the week but on our adjustment Monday Calls we discuss ways for you to maximize Mondays and really take charge of your week so you can avoid the depressing reality of MONDAY and start setting yourself up mentally to OWN MONDAY.

8-9pm est




Being able to hear clearly from GOD on your personal development journey is a key component to you growing properly. We can sometimes find ourselves in a dead spot where hearing God seems to be impossible. The Power of Proximity will help you find your location in life and discover how close or how far you are away from the Proverbial tower that can give you all the answers you need to arrive at your Destiny.

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finding your diamond e-book

If you’re looking to begin your journey of discovering your Gift this 14 Day Ebook/Journal will assist in just that. Finding your proverbial diamond will not only set you free from the rat race but will lead to you living a more happy and full life.


the 14 laws of solomon e-book

Interested in understanding success and how you can align yourself mentally to achieve the unthinkable? This 14 Day Ebook/Journal can help you discover the nuggets of wisdom that can launch you from average to extraordinary.

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Demons, negative entities, or however you want to title these beings of darkness are always at work in some capacity to stop you from becoming the best version of yourself. In this life we are truly not alone and once you understand how to see when these things are impacting you, you then will discover the keys to removing them so you can proceed to your destiny. (14 Day Ebook/Journal)

1:1 Coaching

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Transformational Life CoachDavid H. Solomon, MBA, LSSBB

Transformational Life Coach

David H. Solomon, MBA, LSSBB


Weekly Sessions

If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 wellness coaching might be the right step for you. Learn what you can expect in a session or book a free consultation today.

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