pj nation

Weekly Motivational Videos

My Approach

Marry Progress and you will give birth to greatness
— David H. Solomon, MBA

My approach to Coaching is rather unique in the since, that I facilitate my experience using subtle yet funny real life comparisons and scenarios that make taking certain harsh truths easier to digest. However, through understanding and studying emotional intelligence both formally and informally for the last 2oyrs, I have developed what I feel to be a healthy approach to assisting my clients on making adjustments in their thinking and or behavioral patterns that lead them to clarity and in time peace internally.



The only true way to happiness is to live a life where progress is a way of life. You must embrace and embody the fact that your happiness is connected to your consistent growth regardless how large or how small the growth may or may not be.


Developing the level of commitment needed to create a healthy and balanced life is like building a muscle. You must first start with the little things and gradually build up. Most struggle with keeping commitments to themselves and this quiet struggle keeps us stagnant and void of experiencing the pleasures that come by seeing real progress manifested in our lives.